Wyoming GOP Elects Statewide Officials

Wy GOP   5-9-2017<br><br>


The Wyoming Republican Party held its State Central Committee meeting in Jackson, Wyoming this past weekend, and elected officers to serve the state party for two year terms.  Ryan Mulholland (MUL-HOLLAND) of Sheridan County was unanimously elected president of the Wyoming GOP.<br><br>

“I’m really honored to serve as the new GOP chairman for Wyoming.  These past several years, our Party’s been in great hands with chairmen like Tammy Hooper and Matt Micheli.  Both of them were champions for Wyoming, and for Republicans, and I look forward to doing my part now.  In the near term, folks across Wyoming are going to see the GOP reaching out in new ways, with a goal of allowing us to share timely news and information across the state.”


Frank Eathorne (EE-THORN) of Converse County was elected Vice Chairman, and Charles Curley of Hot Springs County was unanimously elected as Secretary.


At the meeting on Saturday, the Republicans voted unanimously to hold the State Republican Convention in Laramie April 19 thru 21, 2018


On Friday night, a dinner was hosted by the Teton County GOP at the Gun Barrel restaurant in Jackson, and the featured speaker was Cynthia Lummis.


With the new officers and executive committee members now in place, the Wyoming Republican Party is on a roll gearing up for the 2018 elections, and determined to elect another Republican governor.