Prevent Child Abuse Wyoming is Turning Wyoming Blue on Wear Blue Day 2018

Gov  4-4-18

On Friday April 6, 2018, Prevent Child Abuse Wyoming is participating in Wear Blue 2018, a day dedicated to celebrating child abuse prevention across Wyoming and the country.

“April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and prevention can change a child’s life,” said Wyoming Governor Matt Mead. “I encourage everyone in Wyoming to wear something blue on April 6th as an outward and visible signal Wyoming people are actively working to prevent child abuse.”

This year, Prevent Child Abuse America will be using #WearBlueDay to highlight ways that people can prevent child abuse by mentoring, donating or becoming advocates in their community. They will be using their social media channels to explain how those actions connect to child abuse prevention and highlight stories and snapshots of people around the country who help great childhoods happen in their community.

Governor Mead will be signing a proclamation for Child Abuse Awareness Month at 11:00 AM on Monday, April 9th at the Wyoming Supreme Court.

For more information on child abuse prevention or to learn more about what you can do to help, visit Prevent Child Abuse Wyoming on the web at

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