Two new HAWK signals are scheduled to go into service in Cheyenne next week, and drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists should be aware of how the new signals work.
One HAWK signal is on Western Hills Boulevard at Moccasin Avenue, and the other is on Pershing Boulevard at McCann Avenue. Both signals are upgrades to existing crosswalks and are on routes students use to get to school.
The Western Hills signal is set to begin operation Monday afternoon, Sept. 30, and the Pershing signal is scheduled to begin operation Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 1.
The term HAWK stands for “High-intensity Activated crossWalK.” HAWK signals provide additional protection for pedestrians and cyclists using crosswalks by stopping vehicle traffic when activated. A HAWK signal already exists in Cheyenne on Yellowstone Road.
During times of no pedestrian activity, the traffic signals remain dark or appear off for motorists until a pedestrian activates the push-button. While the vehicle signal is dark for motorists, the pedestrian signal displays the “Don’t Walk” symbol and vehicles may proceed through the crosswalk at regular speed.
When a pedestrian or cyclists presses the button, approaching drivers will see a flashing yellow light for a few seconds. This indicates that drivers should reduce speed and be prepared to stop for the crosswalk ahead. The flashing yellow is followed by a solid yellow light and then by a solid red light, requiring drivers to stop at the stop line.
The pedestrian will then receive a “Walk” symbol on the pedestrian signal. The pedestrian should look both ways to be certain the crosswalk is clear of traffic, then proceed to use the crosswalk.
After a short “Walk” indication interval, the pedestrian signal will display a flashing “Don’t Walk” symbol and a countdown timer will be activated. When this occurs, no other pedestrians should enter the crosswalk. At this same time, the motorists will see alternating flashing red lights. Once all pedestrians have cleared the crosswalk, motorists may cautiously proceed even as the vehicle signal continues flashing red. Upon completion of the flashing red phase, the vehicle signal indication then goes off or dark and motorists are free to proceed through the intersection until the next pedestrian activates the system.