Voters can request absentee ballots now
Voter ID required for early and Election Day voting
LCC 9-12-21
Early and absentee voting for the 1% specific purpose sales and use tax (6th penny) election begins Friday, Sept. 17, and runs through Monday, Nov. 1.
Voters can cast their ballots, pick up a sample ballot, register to vote, and update their registration in the atrium of the Laramie County Governmental Complex, 309 W. 20th St. The site is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with the exception of legal holidays. Voters are asked to enter the atrium through the east entrance on Carey Avenue. Signage will be posted to direct voters and to remind them of the state’s new voter ID requirement.
“What is new for this election is that all voters are required to present identification at the polls before voting early or on Election Day. Wyoming’s voter ID law went into effect on July 1.” said Lee. “Acceptable voter ID includes the Wyoming driver’s license or identification card, student ID from the University of Wyoming, a Wyoming community college or public school, U.S. military ID, tribal ID, valid U.S. passport, or Medicaid/Medicare card.” She added that those who have questions on the requirements are welcome to contact the Clerk’s election office at 633-4242.
Lee noted that protocols put in place during the 2020 elections to prevent the spread of COVID-19 will be in place during early voting. Those measures include social distancing signage, personal protective equipment worn by poll workers, hand sanitizer and masks available for registrants and voters, sanitized pens, disposable straws to mark the touchscreen ballot, and regular sanitization of voting machines. Voters are strongly encouraged to wear face covering.
Persons who want to register to vote or update registration information due to address, name, or party affiliation changes will be asked for their Wyoming driving license if they have one. Other accepted documents for registration include any valid government-issued ID including Wyoming ID, tribal, military or student ID, U.S. passport, or driving license from other state.
Eligibility requirements for voter registration include U.S. citizenship, Laramie County residency, age 18 by the date of the election, not adjudicated mentally incompetent, and if convicted of a felony, voting rights must have been restored. Restoration of voting rights is automatic for first-time nonviolent felons who completed their supervision or were discharged from an institution on or after Jan. 1, 2010.
Registered voters wishing to receive an absentee ballot may request one by visiting the office, calling the election office at 633-4242, or emailing election@laramiecountyclerk.com (subject Absentee ballot). Voters must provide their name, residential and mailing address, date of birth, and contact information. Lee said her office will mail 300 absentee ballots next week to those who have requested them.
The public test of voting equipment, required by law to be held prior to every election, will take place Thursday, Sept. 16, at 10:00 a.m. in the atrium. Lee said the test is conducted to ensure the accuracy and readiness of the equipment before its use in the election.
For more information on the upcoming election, the sample ballot, voter registration, or voter ID requirements, visit https://elections.laramiecountyclerk.com/ or call the election office of the county clerk at (307) 633-4242.