An ordinance that would create a City of Cheyenne Human Rights Advisory Council will be introduced at the Cheyenne City Council meeting last night. The meeting is scheduled to start at 6 p.m.
The item will be referred to the City Council’s Public Services Committee which will hear public comment on the issue at Noon on Wednesday, September 9.
“This ordinance is not specific to one group or interest,” said Mayor Rick Kaysen. “This Advisory Council will not have any decision-making authority, which is similar to other committees, but is able to make recommendations. This is all about the City recognizing the diversity we have among the individuals who live, work or visit here, and who come from all different walks of life.”
The ordinance reads: ” … all persons living, working, or visiting the City of Cheyenne should have equality of opportunity; that the City is composed of and welcomes diverse individuals, groups and communities; that the City acknowledges and values the contributions of all its citizens regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender variance, marital status, military status, or physical or mental disability; … that all persons should be treated equally and with dignity and respect so that the City is recognized as a fair and just place to live, work, and raise a family.”
The Advisory Council would have no more than seven members which would be appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Cheyenne City Council. The Advisory Council would have the following duties:
Monitor issues, events and circumstances that are detrimentally affecting the equality of opportunity in the City of Cheyenne and periodically report the same to the Governing Body;
Survey best practices developed at the local, state and federal levels to protect and enhance equality of opportunity and periodically report the same to the Governing Body;
Development and recommend to the Governing Body educational outreach projects to promote and enhance equality of opportunity, subject to budgetary, legal and other restraints applicable to the expenditures of public funds.