Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Announces Plans to Build Multi-Purpose Building

Credit: CFD Facebook

CFD   7-15-18

Cheyenne Frontier Days has announced plans to build a new multi-purpose building on Frontier Park.  The ground breaking is scheduled for early August.  This building will house space for the General Committee, Headquarters Staff, increase meeting space for CFD Volunteers and contain a rentable Conference Center.

In 2015, CFD conducted a Master Land Use Plan study that mapped future construction plans and space allocation on Frontier Park to maximize park layout and available space.  This jump-started thinking for the vision of the future for Frontier Park.

In 2017, CFD completed the Trail Guide to the Future.  This document identified volunteer satisfaction, continuation of community partnerships, relationships with sponsors, maximizing development of Frontier Park, upgrading park infrastructure and creation of state-of-the art facilities as key priorities.

The Cheyenne Frontier Days organization has outgrown existing volunteer meeting space, staff space, sponsor areas and hospitality space.  Breaking ground on the multi-purpose building represents progress for volunteers, staff, sponsors and embraces the future-focused themes in the Cheyenne Frontier Days Master Land Use Plan and Trail Guide to the Future.

A year-round, rentable conference facility provides space to increase opportunities for sponsor and community hospitality that will yield a revenue stream to offset future projects.  This supports the Cheyenne Frontier Days mission to promote economic vitality to our city and this facility allows us to host events on park that we have not been able to accommodate in the past.

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