Cheyenne Launches New Mobile App

By Staff 3-1,2016

Wouldn’t it be convenient to pay your Board of Public Utilities Bill from your mobile device, or maybe find out the status on road construction projects as you leave home for work, or need to get across town and you need to find the closest City transit bus route on just one app.

That day has arrived.

Today, the City of Cheyenne launched its new mobile App which is now available at the Google Play Store and the Apple Store.

“We know that more and more people are getting their information from mobile devices, and we want the public to be able to connect with the City while on the go,” said Mayor Rick Kaysen. “This is exciting news for the City of Cheyenne and we are delighted to share our services with our ever growing community.”

With the new app, some of the things you can do:

Make a park shelter reservation

Find out when your trash/recycle/yardwaste is scheduled to be collected

Buy tickets to an upcoming event at the Civic Center

Find job opportunities within the City

Get up-to-date news about Cheyenne Fire & Rescue, including quick First Aid tips

Learn about Metropolitan Planning Organization projects

Get the latest news on the West Edge Project

Connect with the City’s social media outlets

Report a concern which can include getting a pothole filled

Request a fire truck at your next event

Connect with the Cheyenne Police Department in a variety of ways such as submit a tip, file an online report, and view the City of Cheyenne Warrant List among other things.

“We have been working on this project for about six months, and are delighted to offer the public another way to communicate with the City,” said Kristy Anderson, webmaster for the City of Cheyenne. “We know that residents have busy lives and we are hoping that this App will make getting information from the City easier. And, we believe it will be beneficial to visitor as well.”

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