CPD 12-10-21
The Cheyenne Police Department is launching a public awareness “Lock it or Lose it” campaign encouraging citizens to lock up their vehicles, homes, and valuables.
The 10-day campaign will feature a daily social media post at 9:00 p.m. reminding citizens to secure their valuables. The campaign is an adaptation of a nationwide effort to prevent property crime, where police departments use daily messaging to influence behavior and create safer communities.
So far, in 2021, Cheyenne Police Officers have responded to 394 stolen vehicle reports. This is a
104% increase in vehicle theft from the same period last year. Force is rarely used when a
vehicle is broken into, most incidents occur while keys/key fobs are inside the vehicle or in the
ignition. The average burglar simply checks for unlocked car door handles to gain entry.
“These crimes are preventable and often result in suspects engaging in other criminal activity
with a stolen vehicle or property,” said Chief Mark Francisco. “So, we are asking the community
to partner with us to help reverse this trend.”
Theft is a crime of opportunity where valuable items, including documents, could become
unintended targets. The Laramie County Clerk’s office says this issue is also causing an increase
in stolen vehicle titles.
“The Clerk’s office reminds everyone that a motor vehicle title is a legal document establishing
ownership and should never be left inside your vehicle,” said Laramie County Clerk, Debra Lee.
“Our advice is to keep your title in a safe place, along with any other valuable paperwork.”
Officers encourage citizens to report suspicious activity. Contact the Cheyenne Police
Department dispatch center at (307) 637-6525.