CRMC 4-1-20
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center officials announced today that the hospital will implement a “no visitors” policy at 6 a.m. on April 2 as part of its ongoing effort to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the hospital and community.
“We understand that this policy may cause added stress for our patients and their families,” said Tim Thornell, CRMC’s president and chief executive officer. “But in the face of this growing pandemic, we must do everything we can to protect our patients, the health of our community and the health of our providers and employees. Implementing this new policy is one way we can try to reduce the spread and impact of this highly contagious virus.”
A limited number of visitors will be allowed in CRMC’s pediatric and maternity areas and for patients at the end of life or who need a caregiver due to a medical or behavioral disability.
Below are specific exceptions to the policy:
- Maternity: One support person is allowed per 24-hour period.
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Two parents or guardians are allowed per 24-hour period.
- Pediatric patients (under the age of 18): One parent or guardian is allowed per 24-hour period.
- Patients with a medical or behavioral disability: One caregiver is allowed per 24-hour period.
- End-of-life patients: Two visitors are allowed.
- Outpatient procedures or surgery: If necessary, one person is allowed to accompany a patient for support
- No visitors under the age of 16 are allowed. (If a patient comes to the emergency department with a minor child, the child will be allowed to remain with the patient if there is no other family member present to care for the child.)
- Visitors with a cold, flu-like symptoms or a fever are not allowed in the hospital unless they are seeking medical care.
Other exceptions may also be allowed on a case-by-case basis.
The current screening and visitation policy will continue for patients with clinic appointments in the medical office building adjacent to the hospital.
“We want to thank our community for their understanding and patience as we continue to do everything in our power to save lives by flattening the curve of this pandemic,” Thornell said. Details of the new visitation policy are posted on CRMC’s website, cheyenneregional.org.