VA 4-19-18
The Cheyenne VA Medical Center is hosting the 6th Division, 20th Regiment, Company A for the annual WWII Living History Display, April 18-20, on the southeast lawn of the Cheyenne VA Medical Center campus. The living history camp is available for the public to tour between 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. each day.
This exhibit provides an opportunity to see and hear about the military equipment and weapons used during the 1939 – 1945 war. The 6th Division , 20th Regiment, Company A is a local group of historians dedicated to preserve and portray the history of World War II through a collection of artifacts, public education and historical re-enactments. Throughout the three day period, students from Laramie Country School Districts #1 and #2 and the public from Colorado, Nebraska and Wyoming will be visiting the historical display.
Visitors to the event walk through a replica World War II bivouac, where a Battalion Medical Station, mess tent, radio shack, officer’s quarters, and enlisted pup tents will be on display. Students will learn about the equipment, weapons and uniforms of German soldiers. A portion of the living history display is also dedicated to the “Home Front” where American gas and food ration stamps, and more, are on display.