The civic dedication of the Capitol Avenue Bronze Project is set for Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
“In October 2021, when this project was launched, I hoped that we would someday have enough statues to line Capitol Avenue from the Capitol to the Depot,” Mayor Patrick Collins said. “It was a big dream, and I thought, if it happened, it would take several years.”
“I could not imagine the generous support we would receive from the people of Cheyenne to make such a commitment to fill Capitol Avenue in less than one year,” he continued. “I’m very proud of what this city has done in such a short period. Truly, the people of Cheyenne are worthy stewards of this great state, and because of their patronage, this dedication is worth a city-wide celebration.”
Nathaniel Trelease, chairman of the Bronze Commission, said the response to this project has been so strong that it has rapidly spread beyond Capitol Avenue and will fill 17th Street downtown and parts of Carey and Pioneer Avenues.
He shared, “Our initial purpose of the Capitol Avenue Bronze Project was to inspire learning about Wyoming’s history, which has resonated with many individuals and families in Cheyenne. The historic giving of those before us allows us to tell Wyoming’s story to future generations of citizens and visitors alike.”
Harvey Deselms, the curator of the Bronze Project, said, “The success of this project is beyond my wildest dreams! What started as an idea has become a reality! Moreover, if there’s one thing I love as much as art, it’s a party, and we are planning a humdinger of a party on behalf of the city on June 10!”
The celebration will take place on Capitol Avenue between 24th Street in front of the Capitol and 21st Street south of St. Mary’s Cathedral. It will include live entertainment, food trucks, guided tours, and history presentations. More details will follow soon.
If individuals or businesses are interested in participating as sponsors of the civic dedication, please, contact Harvey Deselms at (307) 214-5709 or deselmsart@aol.com.