CPD 2-14-17
The Cheyenne Police Department issued a unit citation to several members of the detective division today, February 14. The unit citation is to commend the actions of CPD officers or detectives in investigating a particular case. This unit citation is to recognize the detectives responsible for investigating the Marv’s Other Place Burglary from November of 2016.
On November 16, 2016, 15 guns were stolen from Marv’s Other Place. CPD detectives investigated this case and arrested David Labriola for the burglary. The investigation was conducted over six weeks and consisted of 17 interviews, 22 search warrants and 15 undercover/covert operations.
The results of this hard work were the seizure of 12 firearms, six of which were stolen from Marv’s Other Place; several ounces of methamphetamine, approximately $7,500 in cash, and the recovery of over 100 pieces of stolen property. A total of eight reported burglaries were solved as a result of this investigation, which led to six local suspects being charged and arrested.
Det. Edwards, Det. Fahling, Det. Hutchinson, Det. Reiber, and Det. Willmarth all received the award.