CPD Employees Painting Over Graffiti

CPD  9-22-17

The Cheyenne Police Department offers a Graffiti Abatement Program free of charge to the citizens of the City of Cheyenne in an effort to help eradicate graffiti on private and public city property. A report of graffiti can be made at any time by calling our hotline at 307-633-6641 or by submitting a report online at cheyennepd.org.  Please be advised that if the graffiti is on private property, the property owner must provide authorization prior to the graffiti being painted.  This waiver can be filled out on our website, or printed and mailed to the Cheyenne Police Department.


All requests should be submitted by October 6th to allow time for the graffiti to be painted prior to winter weather coming to Cheyenne.  Requests made after this date will be kept on record and completed once the weather permits.  When submitting a request, please include as much information about the area and the graffiti to better facilitate locating and covering the graffiti.  Paint options to cover graffiti are limited to white and gray.  For additional questions, please email graffiti@cheyennepd.org.

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