CPD Trains on Active Shooters, Hosts Blood Drive

CPD   10-5-17

Four times each year, Cheyenne Police Department officers participate in a 10 hour session of advanced officer training.  The last quarter of 2017’s training includes a training on responding to active shooters.  In light of the recent events in Las Vegas, it is important for all law enforcement to plan and train for active shooters and CPD has been regularly conducting active shooter training since the early 2000’s. 


During the training, officers practice confronting an active shooter using training ammunition and actors to simulate a realistic situation.  Officers confront the shooter and provide aid to any victims in addition to searching for explosives and securing the scene.  This year’s training was already scheduled several months before the recent shooting in Las Vegas.


With the tragedy of the Las Vegas shooting in mind, the CPD and Police Protective Association will be hosting a blood drive at the Cheyenne Public Safety Center, 415 W. 18th St.,  on November 2.  Blood supplies from across the country have assisted the victims in Las Vegas, but with a shelf life of only 42 days, blood is needed after tragedies occur as well as at the time they occur.  United Blood Services is scheduling appointments for donors between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.  While many officers will be participating, the event is open to the public.  To schedule an appointment call 307-638-3326 or go to www.bloodhero.org and use the sponsor code PD.

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