By Staff 10-24,2107
CHEYENNE, WYO. — Following a recent incident on campus where an ill horse was put into isolation and other precautionary measures were taken, the quarantine for horses has been lifted at Laramie County Community College.
Veterinarians, equine experts and college administration met to discuss the situation. Ten days have passed with no fevers and no signs of any illness in any horses at LCCC. LCCC may now resume regular equine activities and classes on campus with the understanding that personnel continue to maintain the health safety measures and protocols, such as no mixing of inside and outside horses.
The one ill horse had a confirmed case of strangles (a common equine disease) but returned home two weekends ago to quarantine there, per veterinarian advice. As a precautionary measure, another round of thorough cleaning took place in the indoor stalls and related areas.
Two other horses on campus were recently euthanized. Preliminary testing has ruled out a number of illnesses that would affect large populations of horses. Additional testing continues to find a definitive answer regarding what caused the sickness in those animals. Currently, it’s not believed that the strangles incident is related to the illness of the other two horses.
LCCC is reviewing and updating equine health procedures as the enrollment and number of horses on campus are projected to continue growing.