The Laramie County Sheriff’s Office has accomplished more than 200 goals established by Sheriff Brian Kozak and his leadership team. The top 20 achievements were designed to improve service and professionalism.
- 87% Staffing Level – LCSO placed a billboard in Denver, which read “Work in Wyoming where breaking the law is still illegal”. The advertising helped us to increase our staffing level from 65% to 87%, which is the highest achieved in decades and above the average for sheriff’s offices in the US.
- Immigration Enforcement – LCSO applied for the 287G Program to better assist ICE and President Trump’s deportation plan. A “VACANCY” sign was installed outside of the jail to promote the beds we have available for criminals.
- Community Inmate Labor Program – LCSO deployed inmates to help the community with several projects.
- Posse Program – 15 citizen volunteers were sworn in to patrol the shopping malls during the Christmas holiday season to discourage theft and help shoppers. The Posse also assisted deputies in the field by performing vehicle identification number verifications and traffic control. They also transported inmates to drug addiction centers throughout Wyoming.
- K-9 Program – LCSO brought on two new dogs. One is assigned to the jail on a fulltime basis to detect fentanyl and other dangerous drugs.
- Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) – LEAD worked with 200 clients in 2024 to help them stay out of jail. They helped eight people to find stable housing and seven people remain sober and drug free.
- Technology Upgrades – LCSO deployed state of the art body cameras, radios and Tasers to each deputy.
- Leadership Training – All LCSO supervisors received advanced leadership training.
- Advanced DUI Training – LCSO took the lead in coordinating all DUI training throughout Wyoming.
- Professionalism – LCSO improved our professionalism by implementing over 120 new policies to ensure our employees have best practice direction.
- Employee Wellness – LCSO installed a new gym to encourage employees to remain physically fit.
- Inmate Accountability – LCSO removed all graffiti from cells and instituted shakedowns and daily inspections to hold inmates accountable.
- Addiction Severity Index Assessments – LCSO mental health counselors were certified by the state to complete these assessments so we can help inmates enter drug treatment centers more efficiently.
- Inmate Medical and Mental Health – LCSO brought in a new medical provider, which is 100% staffed and more efficient. Our mental health unit is fully staffed and will open our new Special Needs Unit (mental health/suicide prevention pod) soon.
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design – Deputies were certified to help businesses assess their buildings to better prevent crime.
- Community Engagement – LCSO increased its community engagement events 100% and launched our school resource deputy program. We also formed partnerships with businesses and organizations to improve public safety.
- Jail Programs – LCSO launched new programs, such as parenting and domestic violence classes, to inmates to better prepare them upon release into the community. Additionally, inmates can only receive entertainment programming on their tables after completing self help classes.
- Supervision – LCSO implemented a corporal program in Patrol to provide consistent supervision.
- Crime Prevention – LCSO placed a focus on apprehending criminals, which resulted in lower property crime rates.
- Crash Reduction – High visibility enforcement efforts resulted in a 11% reduction of crashes and an 80% reduction of fatalities
Sheriff Kozak said that he has never seen a law enforcement agency accomplish so much in such a short time. “Every day I run into someone who wants to tell me how good our employees are doing. I am so proud to be part of this great team.”
In 2025 the agency will focus on finalizing the best practice policies for Patrol deputies, such as use of force, investigations and employee awards. LCSO hopes to implement an employee wellness program to ensure deputies and professional staff are emotionally and physically fit to have a long and productive career in law enforcement. Finally, the agency has challenged each employee to become involved in a community engagement project.
LCSO’s vision is leaders in law enforcement providing exceptional service and recognized for our professionalism, integrity, and service to the community. Sheriff Kozak said, “These accomplishments are proving that we live up to our vision.”