Man Gets Probation After 4th DUI Arrest

By Associated Press – 18 July ’14

A judge in Cheyenne has sentenced a 36-year-old man to probation for his fourth driving under the influence arrest in less than 10 years.

Jordan Wheeler faced up to seven years in prison after he pleaded guilty in March to the charge as part of a plea agreement.

On Thursday, Laramie County District Court Judge Catherine Rogers set the probation at five years.

Wheeler’s attorney, Mitch Guthrie, told the judge that his client has been accepted into DUI court.

Guthrie said that even though a fourth DUI charge is a serious offense, community-based treatment holds out the best hope for Wheeler’s success.

The Wyoming Tribune Eagle reports that Wheeler previously was convicted on DUI charges in 2004 and 2009 in Laramie County and in Fremont County in 2005.

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