5-19, 2016
Phase II of the West 19th Street Reconstruction Project is now 70 percent complete, according to Nathan Beauheim, assistant city engineer.
The section of West 19th Street between Snyder Avenue and Missile Drive is now open to traffic. Work continues between Snyder Avenue and Pioneer Avenue. While construction progresses, businesses within the construction area continue to be open to the public. Patrons who want to access businesses on the north side of West 19th Street should access those businesses from 20th Street. Patrons who want to access businesses on the south side of West 19th Street should access those businesses from 18th Street. Signs directing patrons to businesses along West 19th Street are posted for best access.
“We are happy with the progress being made on this project by the general contractor – Reiman Corp. – and the work they have done so far,” said Beauheim who serves as the West 19th Street project construction manager for the City. “As construction continues, we want to make sure that everyone has access to those businesses along West 19th Street.”
Phase II is between Pioneer Avenue and Crow Creek which will include total reconstruction of the roadway including new water and sanitary sewer lines; replacing curb, gutter, and sidewalk as needed; along with extensive stormwater and drainage work. The cost of the project is $5.4 million. Funding is from the One Percent Sales and Use Tax (commonly known as the 5th Penny Tax) and from the Board of Public Utilities. Phase II is expected to be completed by the end of November 2016.
Phase III of the project will be between Pioneer Avenue and Warren Avenue. That section of West 19th Street will be under construction after Cheyenne Frontier Days. This section of street work has not gone out to bid yet but is expected to be completed by the end of November 2016.