Cheyenne residents, businesses, and visitors are invited to share their vision for Downtown Cheyenne through an online survey as part of the Downtown Plan of Development Update.
The survey, which has been extended through Friday, Feb. 9, asks residents about their experience downtown and focuses on opportunities and challenges for the area.
Access to the survey is at www.cheyenneddaplan.com.
The Downtown Plan of Development Update is a 12-18 month process that will result in a new a vision for the future of downtown, guiding policies, and key implementation action items for achieving the vision. The plan will provide a blueprint for strategies that promote economic vitality and increase public activities, while enhancing the historic western charm of Downtown Cheyenne.
The Downtown Development Authority is leading the effort.
“Community input is the key to creation of a successful plan,” said Cheyenne DDA Executive Director/Planning Director Charles Bloom. “We are impressed with the community response and excitement so far, and always encourage more participation.”
Future opportunities for public input will include in-person events and workshops, online questionnaires, and draft document review.