Laramie County Sheriff’s Department 11-15, 2016
The search for Silas Ojeda began on October 28, 2016 and came to an end at the close of the day on November 10, 2016. There was a total of 659 front end loader buckets of refuse taken totaling 3,322,500 pounds of refuse. There were approximately 408 people who helped with the search during the search period. The total number of hours searched were Oct. 28 (4) hrs, Oct. 31 (4) hrs, Nov. 1 (12) hrs, Nov. 2 (12) hrs, Nov. 3 (12) hrs, Nov. 4 (11) hrs, Nov. 7 (12) hrs, Nov. 8 (12) hrs, Nov. 9 (12) hrs and Nov. 10 (12) hrs.
There were several blankets taken that appeared to have some sort of biological stains on them but none of the blankets matched the design the Ojeda family sent. There were portions of three car seats that were similar to the one used by Silas. The portions of the car seats and blankets will be sent to the Wyoming State Crime Lab.
Rhianna Ojeda was arrested by the Laramie County Sheriff’s Department on November 10, 2016 late in the afternoon. Rhianna refused to speak to detectives and requested an attorney. The Laramie County District Attorney’s Office released Rhianna over the weekend.