WDOC 8-3-20
COVID-19 testing was completed last week for all inmates, staff and contract staff at the Wyoming Medium Correctional Institution (WMCI) in Torrington. A total of 935 tests were conducted. Positive results were reported for two staff members and one contract health care staff. There were no positive results reported within the inmate population.
This brings the total number of tests completed through WDOC’s mandatory testing process to 2,122. As previously reported, there were 24 positive test results from the Wyoming State Penitentiary’s round of testing (15 inmates, 2 staff and 7 contract staff). Those individuals are currently in recovery. There were no positive test results reported from the Wyoming Honor Farm’s round of testing.
Testing began today at the Wyoming Honor Conservation Camp and Boot Camp in Newcastle. Those numbers will be reported when all test results are back.