WMD 10-7-20
Members of the Wyoming Military Department have been requested by the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH), and activated by Gov. Mark Gordon, to temporarily assist with voluntary COVID-19 mapping (contact tracing) efforts and other associated administrative tasks.
A total of 20 soldiers and airmen began State Active Duty orders Tuesday, Oct. 6, for a period of 30 consecutive days and will be assigned as teams to WDH. Their primary responsibility will be to help call Wyoming residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who have come in contact with someone who has. They will serve to augment current WDH staff and local county partners by providing information and resources to those affected and collecting voluntary information.
“We are always ready to stand in partnership with our fellow state agencies when they request assistance,” said Brig. Gen. Steve Alkire, director of the joint staff for the Wyoming National Guard. “Our soldiers and airmen are trained and prepared to work with civil authorities with the aim of minimizing and mitigating impacts of the current pandemic.”
The guardsmen assigned will perform their functions at a variety of locations in the state to include armories or at the Joint Forces Readiness Center or State Response Coordination Center located in Cheyenne.
“We are grateful for the assistance the Wyoming National Guard is willing to provide our department during a critical period,” said Stephanie Pyle, Public Health Division senior administrator with WDH. “We’ve seen the number of cases in the state grow in recent weeks. The additional support for us and for our local county partners will greatly help our efforts at this time.”
The orders for the guardsmen can be extended beyond the initial 30 days by request and subsequent order by the governor.