VA 3-9-20
“This protocol will be in place until further notice,” said Paul Roberts, medical center director. “To be clear, our providers have not encountered anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This is just a precautionary measure. Onsite, we will use standardized screening questions at strategic entry points and during initial clinical screening.”
The facility is also asking that anyone with respiratory illness symptions to call 307-778-7550 and press 3, before visiting a VA hospital or clinic. Veterans also have an option of signing into to send a message to their health care team.
“Our facility is fully staffed, supplied and committed to helping keep Veterans safe,” said Roberts. “We have been collaborating with the Department of Health and Human Services, state public health officials and the Centers for Disease Control to ensure Veterans benefit from the latest prevention, testing and treatment protocols.”
“The good news is,” Roberts said, “simple infection control techniques, like handwashing, covering your mouth and nose while sneezing, and not touching your face appear to help control the spread of the virus.”
Employees are being told not to report to work if they show any flu-like symptons, Roberts said.
Cheyenne VA Healthcare System will continue to update Veterans and the public on their response and treatment efforts. Roberts recommends that Veterans try to arrive for your appointment early and please try limit the number of people you bring with you.
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