Activist Says Drones at Rodeo are Unsafe

By Associated Press – 11 Aug ’14

An animal rights activist says he has filed a complaint with the Federal Aviation Administration over the use of drones at Cheyenne Frontier Days.

Mike Kobliska is a member of the group Showing Animals Respect and Kindness, or SHARK, who attended the rodeo this year to look for instances of animal abuse.

But Kobliska said he recorded a drone flying around the Frontier Park Arena on July 26.

He tells the Wyoming Tribune Eagle that the drones are unsafe over large crowds.

CFD spokesman Bob Budd says the drones are used to take marketing photos from above.

Budd says operators are skilled hobbyists who never fly the drones directly over the crowd.

It’s unclear how quickly FAA will process Kobliska’s complaint, if at all.

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