BOPU 10-4-17
The City of Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities (Board), construction is underway for the Phase One Southern Sewer Interceptor Main Project. This project is the first phase of a large diameter sewer main to collect wastewater flows from new developments throughout South Cheyenne. Phase one extends from the Crow Creek Water Reclamation Facility south along College Drive, across the Laramie County Community College property, and south again paralleling Ave. C. to Artesian Rd. The sewer interceptor main project was identified in the 2003 and 2013 Water and Wastewater Master Plans.
Phase One, once installed, will add approximately four-miles of 12-inch to 36-inch sewer mains to the sanitary sewer collection system and a 4-Million Gallon per Day (MGD) sewage lift station. Approximately $12 million is set aside for Phase One. Majority of the funding for Phase One comes from Clean Water State Revolving Fund loans through the Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments in the amount of $11.2 million. The debt service on the loan will be funded from revenue generated through sanitary sewer bills and system development fees.