Cheyenne Fire & Rescue Reminds Everyone To Be Safe This Fourth Of July

City 6-21-17

Officials from Cheyenne Fire & Rescue want everyone in the City of Cheyenne to have a safe, and memorable Fourth of July.

That includes knowing what fireworks are legal within the city limits. Fireworks legal to purchase and use in the City of Cheyenne include sparklers, smoke devices, and novelties.

“The use of consumer fireworks within the City of Cheyenne is not allowed on private property except for sparklers, smoke devices and novelties,” said Byron Mathews, Fire Prevention Bureau Chief for Cheyenne Fire & Rescue. “What we really want is for people to leave fireworks to the professionals and enjoy the fireworks on the evening of July 4 at Frontier Park.”

The National Fire Protection Association reports that thousands of people, mostly children and teens, are injured each year using consumer fireworks. In fact, fireworks on average start 18,500 fire per year, including 1,300 structure fires, 300 vehicle fires, and 16,900 outside and other fires. On average, these fires caused three deaths, 40 injuries and caused $43 million in direct property damage.

In 2015 alone, hospital emergency rooms around the country treated an estimated 11,900 people for fireworks related injuries, said Mathews.

“Sparklers are great for the young kids and they love to handle them, but remember a sparkler will burn between 1800 to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit,” Mathews said. “Parents need to be very observant when letting their children handle fireworks.”

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