Cheyenne Regional Medical Center Hosts Clinical Recruitment Fair on October 14

Courtesy Cheyenne Regional Medical Center

CRMC  10-5-17

Cheyenne Regional Medical Center is hosting a recruitment fair for registered and licensed practical nurses, certified nurse assistants, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, phlebotomists and lab couriers on October 14, 8 a.m. to noon, in the hospital’s main auditoriums.

Information about education assistance, relocation bonuses, salaries, advancement opportunities and other benefits will be available.

Nurse managers, bedside nurses, the nurse residency program director and human resources professionals will also be available to answer questions. 

Nurses with less than six months of acute care experience will need to apply through the hospital’s nurse residency program. Nurses with six months to one year of experience may also be eligible to apply through the residency program depending on the nurse’s level of experience. Nursing applicants are encouraged to bring several copies of their resume to share with different unit managers.

“The goal of this event is to help us recruit people who will be a good fit for our organization, and vice versa,” said Tess Taylor, CRMC’s nurse residency program director.

CRMC plans to offer a recruitment fair twice a year, with the next one planned for April 2018.

While the main focus of this fair is to help fill clinical positions, anyone interested in applying for an open position at CRMC is welcome to stop by and learn more.

“A lot of job seekers appreciate recruitment fairs because of the one-on-one interaction they offer,” Taylor said.

Information about job openings at CRMC is available on the hospital’s website at

For more information about the fair, call 307-996-4743.