Cheyenne Teen Shooting Suspect Faces Adult Trial

By Associated Press – 15 Oct ’14

A Wyoming judge says a 16-year-old boy accused of fatally shooting a man in the head at point-blank range as he begged for his life should stand trial as an adult.

Circuit Court Judge Thomas Lee says he heard enough evidence against Phillip Sam of Cheyenne at a preliminary hearing Wednesday to move the case to a higher court. Sam is charged with first-degree murder and aggravated assault and remains in jail with bail of $250,000 cash.

Police say 19-year-old Tyler Burns died a day after being shot Oct. 5. They say Sam fired at least 14 shots at a group of teens that showed up for a prearranged fight between Sam and another juvenile.

Some witnesses told police that the wounded Burns begged Sam not to shoot him again.

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