The City of Cheyenne Sanitation Division will resume its residential yard waste program on April 1st.
Residents who subscribe to curbside yard waste service can place their green lid bins out by 6 a.m. There is no alley collection for this program – bins must be placed on the street.
Only lawn trimmings, weeds, and leaves can be placed in the curbside containers – no bags or branches are permitted.
Branch pickup will be the third Thursday of each month during the yard waste season and must be arranged by calling the Sanitation Division office in advance. Branches must be cut down to three feet in length, left unbundled, and placed for collection by 6 a.m. the day of pickup (and no earlier than 4 p.m. the day before). There is no additional charge for those with yard waste containers and others will be charged a fee per cubic yard.
The Compost Facility (3714 Windmill Road) is available for disposal of residential yard waste year-round from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. Large loads are not accepted after 4:30 p.m. Beginning May 1 and continuing through September, the Compost Facility will also open Sundays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for drop off only.
For more information, please contact the Sanitation Division at 637-6440. You may find additional information at www.cheyennecity.org/publicworks or download the Recycle Coach app on your device to receive notifications about any changes in the City’s collection schedule.