BOPU 5-7-18
City of the Cheyenne Mayor Marian Orr has proclaimed May 6 through May 12, 2018 National Drinking Water Week. Each year in May, the City of Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities (Board), the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and water community partners celebrate
National Drinking Water Week by recognizing the vital role water plays in our daily lives and in the quality of life we enjoy because of it. Originally a joint congressional resolution declared the event as a national observance in 1988 which was signed by President Ronald Reagan. Focus during National Drinking Water Week will be placed on ways in which the Board’s consumers can take personal responsibility in caring for their tap water and protecting it at its source.
As the Board celebrates its 75th anniversary, we reflect on the partnerships that help protect our water sources and assure safe drinking water for Cheyenne. Some of these partnerships include the U.S. Forest Service, Wyoming State Forestry, Wyoming State Engineer’s Office, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Wyoming State Parks, Wyoming Water Development Commission, Wyoming
Office of State Lands and Investment, Laramie County Conservation District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Water is a valuable natural resource that safeguards the health of Cheyenne’s residents, protects the community from fires, provides a resource for businesses, contributes to recreational activities, and drives our way of life. “Many people don’t realize that Cheyenne’s drinking water sources come from three mountain ranges: Laramie, Medicine Bow and Sierra Madre along with four water well fields prior to being treated and delivered straight to our communities homes and businesses,” said Dena Egenhoff Board’s water conservation specialist. “To know your source of drinking water is to love it.”