Chicken Ordinance Takes Step Forward

Rob Faulkner, flickr

Staff    4-12, 2016

The City of Cheyenne is one step closer to allowing backyard chickens. The city council approved the ordinance on second reading Monday night. The ordinance would allow five chickens in a predator safe enclosure, with no roosters. It would also require neighbor approval if the coop is closer than 15 feet to an adjoining property line.

Councilman Jeff White voted in favor of allowing backyard chickens. He says supporters are looking for an inexpensive way to raise their own eggs.

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Mayor Rick Kaysen voted against the ordinance. He says allowing backyard chickens is raising a mixed bag of concerns among residents.

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Kaysen says some residents are also voicing certain health concerns. The council did amend the ordinance to regulate coop size. The ordinance will go back in front of the committee of the whole next week.

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