CPD 12-8-19
In November the Cheyenne Police Department investigated 12 burglary
cases, 19 theft from motor vehicle cases, 14 stolen vehicle cases and 34 shoplifting cases. The CPD identified a trend in November of thieves targeting vehicles parked at fitness center parking lots and breaking windows of these vehicles to steal valuables within. The CPD encourages everyone to lock their vehicles, take valuables with you and to hide valuables from view if they need to remain in the vehicle.
For the suspects listed below, by name and age, the CPD has determined there is probable cause that the person committed the offense listed. All suspects are presumed innocent until their case has been adjudicated in a court of law. The names of juvenile suspects are not included with this information.
The CPD has recommended charges to the Laramie County District Attorney’s Office for:
Johnathan Aubin -38
Jesse Martinez – 31
Felony Theft:
Joshua Smith – 33
Jessey Smith – 25
Joshua Jeans -20
Vehicle Burglary:
Derrick Smith -23
Isaac James – 26
Seth Martinez – 28
Rie Waddell – 21
Stolen Vehicle:
Jessica Cunningham –31