CPD Seeking Information on Burglaries

CPD   4-22-18

The Cheyenne Police Department is investigating four vehicle burglaries which took place in the early morning hours of April 17th.  The burglaries occurred on Swing Dr., Pinto Ln., Corral Pl. and Jazz Dr. The suspect, possibly wearing a white hooded sweatshirt stole items from several vehicles, to include a Springfield XD pistol and a Kabar knife.  We would like to remind all citizens to do their part in discouraging vehicle burglaries by locking your vehicles and removing valuables from your vehicles.


If you have information about this or any other crime, call Crime Stoppers Silent Witness at 638-TIPS or go to www.silentwitnesslaramiecounty.com.


You will remain anonymous and may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000.00.  The caller I.D. system is not installed on the Silent Witness phone lines.

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