CPD 4-12-2017
The Cheyenne Police Department finished its first week of Operation Change, the department’s initiative to address issues with transients downtown.
Officers have been out on foot and bicycle, conducting security checks and checking in with downtown businesses. In the first week, officers have worked 28 hours dedicated to the initiative. The overtime funds for the program come from a federal grant for community policing, meaning CPD is able to provide extra officers working on Operation Change without pulling them away from their other duties.
These officers made 10 arrests and issued 23 summonses in the downtown area over the course of the last week. The observed offenses ranged from public intoxication to unlawful entry and having open containers of alcohol. Employees of Peak Wellness have been working with those arrested through Operation Change in order to provide rehabilitation and to direct offenders towards services to help with addiction issues. Likewise, homeless advocates have been accompanying the officers doing the patrols to provide assistance and resources to people they encounter.
Operation Change will continue throughout the summer.