By Staff 4-29,2015
Cheyenne Regional Medical Center and the Cheyenne Family YMCA are teaming with several other local health and safety groups to offer the 18th annual Safe Kids Day at the YMCA on May 3, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Safe Kids Day is free and open to the public.
More than 25 exhibits focusing on children’s health and safety will be offered, including interactive activities with many of the different exhibitors. This is an opportunity to see the various services provided in Cheyenne.
“Injuries are the number one killer of kids in the United States,” said Stephanie Heitsch, Cheyenne Regional’s Injury Prevention coordinator.
“Around the world, more than one million children die each year from preventable injuries. Millions more are injured in ways that can affect them for a lifetime. But these injuries don’t have to happen. That’s what Safe Kids Day is all about,” Heitsch said.
Safe Kids Day also offers several family-friendly activities. Children are permitted to look inside a fire engine provided by the Cheyenne Fire Dept. District 2 and an ambulance provided by American Medical Response. The K9 unit from the Cheyenne Police Department will also have a demonstration outside in the park at 1:00 PM.
Another featured event is the Safe Kids car seat check-up, which will be offered in nearby Holliday Park from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The check-up is also free and includes safety checks of children’s car seats and booster seats by certified technicians. If a technician discovers a problem with your child’s car seat or booster there will be some available with a contribution expected for each car seat or booster seat.
Other Safe Kids Day sponsors include the Cheyenne Kiwanis Club, Kohl’s Associates in Action, Holly Frontier Refinery, the Wyoming Dept. of Health and Laramie County School District 1 Safe & Drug Free Schools.