FE Warren COVID-19 Declaration of Public Health Emergency

FEW 3-17-20

Below is a statement from Col. Peter Bonetti, 90th Missile Wing commander, regarding yesterday’s declaration of a public health emergency at F.E. Warren:

The safety, security and well-being of our Airmen and families is and always will be my priority. Our mission does not exist without you. In an effort to maximize precautionary and safety measures for our team, I have declared a public health emergency which further aligns F. E. Warren AFB’s authority to take preventative measures with those of Wyoming and surrounding states. It is important to note that there are no confirmed cases on base at this time. You may still be asking yourself, what does the public health emergency mean exactly?

Bottom line, it’s a full-court press to maximize prevention efforts of COVID-19 spread. As many of you have seen, numerous states have declared a state of emergency and public health emergency. Declaring a public health emergency enables base leaders to take actions that promote force protection.

Making this formal declaration allows us as a base to do/receive the following:

1. Better enforce precautionary measures to ensure public health emergency provisions, procedures and protocols are being met and upheld.

2. Improve synchronization with state, local, tribal and territorial officials responsible for public health and public safety.

3. Devote additional manpower and resources to combat the potential spread of COVID-19.

4. Enables base leaders to take actions that promote force protection, such as:

— Closing base facilities.

— Limiting non-mission essential activities.

— Restricting movement or implementing quarantine or isolation for select individuals.

The declared public health emergency does not change our existing prevention efforts. There are no changes to our already established precautionary measures.

The installation’s public health and medical professionals will continue to take all necessary actions and steps to ensure minimal exposure and spread of COVID-19.

Force health protection is our primary focus, and we will continue to ensure that Air Force personnel and families have the most up-to-date information on appropriate measures to prevent potential spread of the virus. The declaration of public health emergency will expire in 30 days unless renewed by the commander.

Please check into our base website at warren.af.mil and or F.E. Warren AFB Facebook page for current information, updates and notices as they impact us here locally. Major updates will be pinned to the top of our Facebook page.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Public Affairs at 307-773-3381. Thank you!

Plenty of big picture updates can be found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website below:


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