By Staff 8-26,2017
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – Governor Matt Mead sent a letter to State Agency Directors on August 24, 2016 encouraging them to look for additional efficiencies in their budgets. The State revenue shortfall, as the Governor told the Joint Appropriations Committee in June, could fall $240 to $510 million short of projection. The Governor has not ordered agencies to implement more budget cuts at this time but has cautioned them to limit supplemental budget requests and that the Legislature may implement additional cuts.
“I anticipate the Legislature may need to identify additional budget reductions,” wrote Governor Mead. “I will continue to encourage the downsizing of programs versus across-the-board cuts. In this difficult revenue time, we are fortunate that the budget work of the legislature and the agencies has positioned Wyoming to meet its obligation in tough revenue circumstances. Please pass on to your employees my great appreciation for their continued good work for Wyoming citizens.”
A copy of the letter to Agency Directors is available on Governor Mead’s website: http://governor.wyo.gov/documents.