Gov 5-7-19
Governor Mark Gordon today asked for Wyoming people who have an interest in big game migration and in all uses of Wyoming’s lands and minerals that lie under migration corridors to come together to develop recommendations to improve the state’s policies related to these lands.
Wyoming leads the nation in research on the migration of deer, elk and pronghorn and in establishing policies for conserving them. These policies have implications on energy development that need to be understood.
For example, Wyoming’s mule deer corridors, in the southwest part of the state, are the longest in the nation. They overlap public lands where there are key, existing opportunities for oil, gas and other mineral resource development, as well as agricultural operations.
“Wyoming is proud of its mule deer, its antelope, its elk, and its multiple use of public lands,” said Gov. Gordon. “Together I believe we must chart a steady course to ensure the state’s ungulate migrations, which are unique in the world, will continue for generations to come while continuing to build strong energy and agriculture industries. Wyoming is about solutions and our people have shown again and again our ability to find the way to ensure wildlife can coexist alongside responsible development.”
Gov. Gordon prefers small groups that work over short time periods so he is asking for a representative of oil, gas mining; agriculture; county commissioners; conservation groups; and sportsmen groups to serve. They will meet in public and develop recommendations in the next three months. The schedule of meetings will be announced when the membership of the group is finalized. Groups and individuals can nominate people to serve by contacting renny.mackay@wyo.gov. Nominations are due by May 20.