By Staff
Wyoming was the first state in the nation to develop a comprehensive energy strategy with the release of Leading the Charge, Wyoming’s Action Plan for Energy, Environment and Economy in 2013. More than three-fourths of the initiatives identified, are complete. This year, Governor Mead has worked with people across Wyoming to update the strategy.
On October 5, at 9:00 a.m., the Governor’s office will hold its final public meeting. At this meeting all of the ideas identified through the previous meetings will be presented. The meeting will take place at the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission building, located at 2211 King Blvd, Casper, Wyoming 82602. For those unable to attend in person, a live-stream of the event will be made available.
“I said when I announced the energy strategy that it is designed to be regularly revised, updated and integrated into budgeting and planning,” Governor Mead said. “The past two years have seen many successes and we want to build on them. The purpose of this final meeting is to review the ideas that were gathered from the public and to identify how these additional initiatives can support energy development, balanced with sound environmental stewardship.”
Following the meeting, there will be an opportunity for the public to provide further comment and ranking of the initiatives presented. The new initiatives will be posted on the Governor’s website at governor.wyo.gov.
Comments and ranking of initiatives will be available through October 30th, 2015. Upon completion of this final public comment period, the Governor will choose which initiatives will be incorporated into the Energy Strategy.