CFR 3-28-19
Cheyenne Fire Rescue was busy in 2018 responding to 8,642 service calls throughout the City. Those service calls included structure fires, motor vehicle accidents, and installation of smoke alarms. Over 71 percent of those calls were for medical emergency services. “Cheyenne Fire Rescue firefighters are increasingly busier every year,” said Greg Hoggatt, Chief of Cheyenne Fire Rescue.
Report highlights:
- Responded to 6,190 emergency medical services calls
- Station 1, 716 W. 19th Street, was the busiest station by responding to 3,136 calls
- Responded to 128 fires
- Conducted 1,405 inspections
- Reviewed 392 building plans
- Conducted more than 5,500 hours in fire emergency and medical services emergency training
Cheyenne Fire Rescue had many accomplishments in 2018, said Hoggatt, Chief of Cheyenne Fire Rescue. “These achievements would not have been possible without the support of the men and women of Cheyenne Fire Rescue. All this couldn’t have been done without the support of Mayor Marian Orr and the Cheyenne City Council.”
Accomplishment highlights:
- A new Engine 2 was placed into service in the spring
- Purchase of much needed fire supply hose
- Evaluation and purchase of new Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
The full report can be found at: https://tinyurl.com/y2o3z3t2