Gov 9-1-17
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released its draft environmental review of the Normally Pressured Lance (NPL) natural gas project in southwest Wyoming. The NPL Project anticipates drilling up to 3,500 natural gas wells, which will produce over 5 trillion cubic feet of gas and create more than 700 full-time jobs.
“This is significant for Wyoming,” Governor Mead said. “Permitting new oil and gas projects is a priority and NPL is a great opportunity.”
In his letter to BLM, the Governor encouraged the agency to “…issue its Record of Decision by the end of the year to avoid further costly delays that negatively affect the State’s economic prosperity.”
In addition to NPL, the Record of Decision for the Continental Divide-Creston was completed last September, giving preliminary authorization to develop up to 8,950 wells in the Wamsutter area. Other oil and gas development projects undergoing federal review include the Converse County project, the Greater Crossbow project and the Moneta Divide project.
Governor Mead’s letter to the BLM on NPL is available on his website: http://governor.wyo.gov/documents