Governor Mead Talks Budget, Revenue and Medicaid

By Staff – 17 Jan ’15

On Friday Governor Matt Mead spoke to members of the Wyoming Press Association during their annual “Meet the Press” luncheon. Before the question and answer session, the Governor spoke about Wyoming’s budget and revenue and about Medicaid expansion.

Governor Mead explained that it is important to look at Wyoming’s revenue picture in total. While the CREG’s January report projects a revenue downturn, the CREG has under-projected revenues for the last four years. The revenue over projection of hundreds of millions of dollars is automatically put into various savings accounts. These revenues offset downturns. Now is the time the Executive Branch and the Legislature should discuss a solid fiscal policy that provides transparency, predictability and clarity.

Governor Mead also expressed his concern that thousands of hardworking citizens are uninsured and Wyoming hospitals are losing about 200 million dollars in uncompensated care. The question of Medicaid expansion is before the Legislature. Whether the Legislature approves the SHARE Plan proposed by the Wyoming Department of Health or something else, Governor Mead stated Wyoming must move forward on an expansion plan this session.

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