Laramie County Voters Approve 7 of 9 Sixth Penny Proposals

By Staff 5.2.17

Voters in Laramie County approved over $100 million dollars worth of projects on the 6th ballot Tuesday.  Seven of nine proposals passed, the two that failed included recreation projects for the city of Cheyenne.

Proposition 6 included $6.7 million dollars for a multipurpose indoor turf facility, and proposition 7 included $7 million dollars for a facility that would house basketball and volleyball courts and gymnastics facilities at the Ice and Events Center.

A number of the proposals passed by the slimmest of margins.  Proposition 1 passed by 103 votes and will fund $18 million dollars for the expansion and remodel of the Laramie County Courthouse.  Proposition 2 will fund the $16 million dollars for the expansion of the Laramie County detention Facility.  It passed by 162 votes.

Proposition 3, the Christensen Road extension passed by one of the largest margins on the ballot, with 60 percent of the ballots cast in favor, and 39 percent against.  The proposition will fund $15 million dollars to extend Christensen Road from US Highway 30 to Interstate 80.

Proposition 4 passed by 173 votes, and it will pay for a $9.8 million dollar events center at the Archer Complex.  Proposition 5 also passed by a large margin, 63 percent in favor with 36 percent against.  Proposition 5 had $11.5 million dollars in projects, including $3.8 million dollars for the Cheyenne Greenway, and $2.3 million dollars for street improvements.  Propositions 8 and 9 also passed totaling more than $20 million dollars in projects.

Over 14 thousand voters n the county cast ballots in the 6th penny vote, which is about 33 percent of the registered voters in Laramie County.

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