LCSD1 Enrollment Growing

Staff   5-5, 2016

Early enrollment projections show Laramie County School District #1 will be growing once again. Early numbers show there will be 141 new kids in school in LCSD#1. Superintendent John Lyttle says those early numbers can change between now and the start of the school year, but even with the opening of the new 5th and 6th grade Meadowlark School, Lyttle says the district will still be seeing overcrowding issues. A dozen modular units are already in place.

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Each modular unit contains two classrooms. Lyttle says they can be moved around where they are needed most. Some districts around the state are seeing declining enrollment due to a downturn in the energy sector. Lyttle says slow and steady growth in LCSD#1 is a nice problem to have.

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Lyttle says the big problem facing the district now is how the State will handle funding for building new schools. One proposal being considered is reinstating a property tax.

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