City 3-13-17
After more than four years expending nearly $3 million on planning, materials, testing, and engineering design, work has started on the first Capitol Basin construction project.
Initial funding began with the voter approved Sixth Penny Tax in 2012 when $4.8 million was allocated to “provide flood control and water quality for the Capitol Basin.” The City also received funding from an Environmental Protection Agency Grant and the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund.
The Pump House Wetlands project, located southeast of the intersection of West Lincolnway and Ames Avenue, is a water quality project which is designed to clean up storm water before it enters Crow Creek.
Reiman Corp., is the general contractor on the Wetlands Project at a cost of $1.726 million. Approximately another $200,000 is estimated to be spent on design and tipping fees at the Ault, Colo., landfill that is taking the contaminated dirt from the site. Construction on the project is expected to be completed in June, however, because of the remediation aspect of this project and to allow successful plant growth, this area may not be open to the public until 2018.