Siler Named New CFD General Chairman

By Staff 8.6.2017
The Cheyenne Frontier Days Board of Directors has named Jimmy Dean Siler as the next General Chairman. In this role, he will lead the General Committee in their efforts to produce the 123rd annual celebration. Siler replaces outgoing General Chairman Bill Berg.
Siler is retired from the Wyoming Livestock Board Criminal Investigation Division and the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigations. Prior to that, he served and retired from the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations. Siler attended the Air Force Community College, Okaloosa-Walton Junior College and the University of Maryland.
Siler has served as Law Enforcement Administrator with the Wyoming Livestock Board, President of the Laramie County Peace Officer’s Association, Commissioner of the Wyoming Public Safety Communications Commission, and Commissioner of the Wyoming Bond Commission. He has been a CFD Volunteer for over 25 years, was the Cheyenne Frontier Days Parades Chairman 2013 – 2015 and a member of the HEELS organization.
Siler will begin preparation for the 123rd annual celebration by meeting with the General Committee to review the 2018 show and plan for improvements for the next year.
Siler says, “It is an honor and privilege to be given the opportunity to work with the finest group of volunteers, staff and community citizens in the great state of Wyoming. I feel like I was a draft choice on the greatest team ever assembled.”