CPD 8-6-19
Between June 28 and June 30, at least 10 properties were vandalized by a group of juveniles. Due to their ages, their names cannot be released, but the Cheyenne Police Department has identified an 11-year-old female, a 12-year-old female, a 13-year-old female and a 14-year-old male as the individuals behind the series of vandalisms.
The vandalisms primarily consisted of graffiti to buildings and cars as well as breaking windows and side mirrors of vehicles parked along the road. The crimes mostly occurred in the area of Henderson Dr. and Walnut Dr. Bethesda Center of Evangelism, a church with a large African-American congregation was also spray-painted with offensive messages on its front door.
The damage to the various properties exceeds $1,000, classifying the crimes at the felony level. Recommendations for charges have been filed by the CPD to the Laramie County District Attorney’s Office for the juveniles involved.