Wyoming Dems Call for Trump Denunciation

Staff 10-12, 2016

The Wyoming Democratic Party is calling on Republicans to denounce their party’s candidate for president following Donald Trump’s remarks about women. On Saturday, a tape surfaced of Trump making some lewd and demeaning remarks about women. State Democratic Party chair, Ana Cuprill, says the remarks made by Trump, while horrifying, should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed his career or campaign.

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Many Republicans point to the past transgressions of President Bill Clinton and his actions in the White House with an intern as well as other sexual assault allegations. Cuprill says that has nothing to do with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who shouldn’t be blamed for her husband’s problems.

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Many State Republicans are standing by Trump but are expressing disappointment in his comments. Governor Matt Mead said he was disappointed by Trump’s comments, but Cuprill says she expects more from the governor.

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Republican candidate for Wyoming’s lone U.S. House seat, Liz Cheney, said Trump’s comments are appalling, but Hillary Clinton’s actions are much worse. Cheney, in May, said she supported Trump. Cuprill says Cheney needs to take a step back from that support.

The Wyoming Republican party is not defending the statements made by Trump, but believe he is still the best choice for the people of Wyoming.  Matt Micheli, state GOP party chair, says the statements made by Trump are indefensible.  But he says the presidential race comes down to the two candidates, and the policies of democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would be wrong for Wyoming.

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