Local HobbyTown closing

HT 1-17-21

After more than 10 years of serving southeast Wyoming, HobbyTown Cheyenne is closing it’s doors.

“It’s been a great run and we hate to shut down but the lease has run out and we felt it was a good time to retire,” said Scott Binning, one of the owners. Binning said they made attempts to sell the business and nothing happened.

HobbyTown has been the area’s largest radio control car and plane hobby outlet along with many other hobbies such as model trains, plastic models, games, rockets and puzzles. 

“We actually did pretty well during the entire COVID issue,” Binning said. “Because people needed something to do, we were able to help supply that need.”

The store will begin an inventory reduction sale on Jan. 18 with the projected close of business by the end of February.