City 4-3-18
Every May, for historic preservation month, the Cheyenne Historic Preservation Board, presents a prestigious historic home owner with the annual Dubois Award. This year will mark the 32nd awarding and the Board would like to invite the public to participate.
If you own a historic home, or just think one of your neighbor’s homes is unique and worthy of a preservation award, please visit the City’s website (http://cheyennecity.org/546/25976/Current-Projects) and fill out the form. The deadline to submit is April 15th. A few items to consider would be the age of the home (if it is more than 50 years old, it is eligible), has it been taken care of gently, or has it been recently restored or preserved? For more information, please contact City Planner, Stephanie Lowe, 307-637-6305.
The prestigious Dubois Award was named for William Dubois, one of the City’s premier architects of the early 1900s. This award has been renamed to honor Mr. Dubois’ grandson, William Dubois, III. William Dubois was a founding member of this Board and longstanding community volunteer and philanthropist. This award is presented for exceptionally significant preservation efforts on residential properties. Each year during National Preservation Month the City’s Historic Preservation Board selects one of Cheyenne’s historic homes for this award based on significant efforts to preserve, restore, or reconstruct the structure.
For more information about the Cheyenne Historic Preservation Board, please visit the City’s website at www.cheyennecity.org/index.aspx?nid=216 or on Facebook.